Friday, March 9, 2007

Voice of America Radio

It was fun joining Carla Cargle on her, "The Financial Truth", digital radio program on Voice
I love spreading the message about attracting more of what you want into your life. As more people choose to celebrate the" good in life" - and bring more joy into their lives - they bring more abundance into the world. We all win.

I left Senior Communications in the Canadian federal government over 10 years ago. What has happened in technolgy and communications since is amazing. The Internet is tearing down walls to communication. I heard it called 'Citizen Journalism'. Getting the word out is no longer in the hands a few. Anyone with ambition and desire can participate.

Our radio show today was done on digital radio. This may soon replace traditional radio, just as it may replace television. Check out "", if you're not sure where this might be going. The printing press gave knowledge to the masses. Now the Internet - digital radio - and soon, digital Television - will put communication and power into the hands of the "meek".

... "the meek will inherit the earth" - this technology will lead the way for that to happen!

If you missed us live, you can still pick it up at!

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