Monday, April 25, 2011

The Joy of Steering Your Own Life

True happiness is that which shines from within when we are taking full control and responsibility for who we are and for what happens in our lives.
The ancients KNEW that "awakening to life" - and, to having "all that is", originates from our thought process. Somewhere along the way, we became distracted, or perhaps hopeful, that the answer to a successful life resides somewhere outside ourselves. The reason for looking outside ourselves might be that thinking and introspection is hard work!
Part of the process of WAKING UP is to "re-learning how to think".
The themes I want to explore, on these next blog postings, relate to "Waking UP".
What does it mean? Is there evidence this is happening? Or, is this just another trendy or new age cliche? Perhaps you have noticed that, when one sets out in a certain direction, all kinds of things begin to appear to give support to your quest. Interestingly, after posting the blog on "Growing UP or Waking UP" - I received this daily thought from Blaine Watson - a wonderful man who is a Vedic Astrologer in Oliver, British Columbia. He uses ancient Vedic astrology to provide guidance to global investors, or everyday housewives, around the planet.

"The Vedic system of earning is to stimulate total Natural Law in our desire to have anything. Total Natural Law obeys our commandment in the Vedic system of culturing the mind. To culture your mind take your awareness to the source of thought. From that field of unmanifest nothingness, the memory of everything wakes up in your awareness. Then infinite creative intelligence supports your desires, actions, and behavior." (Global Press Conference 8.9.04) - Maharishi
Blaine Watson

P.O. Box 713 Oliver, BC
Canada V0H 1T0

Perhaps some of our modern gurus who lay claim to Secrets, have borrowed them from the ancients - or maybe they have awakened - and their memories have been jogged!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Growing UP...or Waking UP?

I had yet another inspirational chat with my friend, David VanAmburg yesterday and, as always, I was left with a gem that I got to ponder for the rest of the day. It came when I was expressing my frustration about events that are happening in the world today. Why do powerful people often not see the folly of their decisions?...and he said..."But it's because most people come to this life thinking their job is to GROW UP...and they forget to WAKE UP."

I had a visual of a rose growing ever taller and straighter in the garden, reaching to grab the most air, the most sunshine; to be taller than ALL the other roses around it - but failing to let its petals naturally unfold to expose the beauty of what a rose was truly meant to be.

What would it mean to you to being in the process of WAKING UP!