Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Intuition Success!

Our Holographic Intuition course has been revealed! On Monday, May 28th in Calgary, Alberta Canada, Blythe Bohonos and I had the privilege of delivering our inaugural Holographic Intuition course to a sell out group of 25 people! We limited the class size for this first session only. The evaluation feedback sheets reported a resounding success with more than half of respondents saying the course not only met but far exceeded their expectations . A large number of respondents recommended the material could be better absorbed by extending it from 4 hours to a full day session. Acting on our Intuitive sense is the final step in learning to live out lives in a different way. . This largely ignored but vitally important sense, is key to living in an energy world. Consequently, it is vitally important to those seeking to master the Law of Attraction. The entire course has been cloaked in Intuitive happenings! Blythe approached me after attending an Attracting Success seminar. She said she was having a strong sense we needed to work together. Less than one year later, the course has been birthed! Most of our participants talked about how their very attendance had been an intuitive nudge. Tamasha told me Monday was her birthday and in looking for a special way to treat herself, she saw our poster in a bookstore. She is also new to Canada and wants to partner with someone to introduce a program developed in Asia for weight correction based on managing body energy! Needless to say, I am interested! Another participant, Elaine, was looking for guidance on how to travel the world and still carry on with her seminar business. She came across our tiny ad in a magazine and went to this Blog. I am sure each person in the room had a story about how they trusted their intuition and made the choice to be in the class. From the comments on their feedback sheets - they are now trusting their Intuition even more! Our 8 step process for inviting Intuitive guidance provides a clear, enlightened and joyful way to awaken your intuitive voice. Contact us for a course in your area -!

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