Monday, April 16, 2007

Sometimes Life Thows You a Curve Ball!

Ever had a day like this! Life seem to be going along just as it should - and whoa! - where did that come from! It wasn't the way you planned it! Now you have an opportunity to test yourself . Do you truly believe or trust what you have been learning? Can you look for the possiblities that exist in this change of plan? Can you find something to be grateful for and hold a high vibration through this little "life detour"? It is all about your FEELINGS.

Who is managing your feelings - your Higher Self - or your Ego? It matters that you know! Many of us have suppressed our feelings for so long. We do not talk about them - we do not label them - we are not conscious they are directing our lives. Our latest course at Soul Abundant, Unveiling Your Dreams has been developed to address the need to connect with your intuitive voice and reveal your FEELING self. It is central to mastery of the Law of Attraction.

1 comment:

RitaSue said...

Great picture and yes life does throw us a curve ball occassionally. As I learn more about the Law of Attraction, I now find it exciting and fun to see how quick I change that curve ball into something else that is a lot more fun!!

Thanks for giving us another way of looking at things!
