Patio overlooking Lake Okanagan, Peachland, British Columbia
Attracting what you truly desire starts by bcoming clear about what you want, whether it is a home, or a life purpose. This may seem like an easy task but it does require thought - and thinking is hard work! You can download FREE worksheets on my website to help you focus on what you really want, by ruling out the things you do not want. Yes - we do start with the negatives. The reason being is most of us are very accomplished at letting our thoughts run wild with all the things we DON'T want. When we continue in that mindset, it creates a low level of energy or consciousness. Because you are a "little radio station" , you are now tuned into radio station, "What I Don't Want"... and yet, you wonder why those things that keep appearing in your life!
Jim and I knew we wanted a place where "the sounds of nature spoke louder than garbage truck and sirens"... a place where we would have a 180 degree view of lake and mountains ... where we could step out on a little piece of grass... (but not so much that we had to cut it!) ...a place where local produce and vineyards were abundant...etc. Over the past 4 years, we traveled across Canada and Australia and attracted beautiful homes to rent, many had a number of the features we had intended. All of them "just dropped into our laps". This most recent was no exception. We answered one ad in the local paper. We did not even know about this little town of Peachland prior to our calling - and wow! - we found this lovely place! So we have taken out things out of storage - but that doesn't mean we have stopped traveling - on both our physical life journey and our spiritual life journey.... "Where are you today???" What are you intending for your life?"